Sunday, 4 March 2012

8 ways to stay healthy during pregnancy

8 ways to stay healthy during pregnancy
1.    The body needs food in proteins, vitamins and minerals especially iron.
2.    Use iodized salt to increase the changes that the child will be born alive and will not be retarded.
3.    Be clean, bath regularly and brush your teeth every day.
4.    In the last month of pregnancy, it is perhaps to avoid sex, to avoid the bag of water breaking and spreading infection of the child” abuse of the child”.
5.    Avoid taking medicine unless on prescribe by health worker or doctor.
6.    Do not smoke or drink alcohol during pregnancy.
7.    Continue to do work and exercise daily during pregnancy.
8.    Report any usual feeling/movement to doctor immediately.


HOW TO LIVE ABOVE 100 YEARS’: The low life expectancy rate of the present generations has been attributed to so many factors. These factors that determine the health of man and his life span have been grouped under physical and spiritual.
Physically, the sudden death syndrome, which is as a result of the big diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, malaria, smoke and other ailment, can be prevented by individuals through balance diet.
Nature has provided all that man needs to stay healthy, but problem set in when man does not abide by nature’s design, especially life style choices.
“A fish cannot survive without water, birds fly in certain direction and craft obey certain design rules for them not to crash. But most humans do not obey these laws and they either fall sick or die. A lot of persons do eat in excess what is supposed to taken moderately. Everything should be in moderation.
It is amazing the way and manner youths gulp energy drinks and patronize canned and fatty foods. Energy drinks have no nutritional value and most consumers always have diabetes, cancer and other related ailments resulting low immune system and renal failure.
People should embrace preventive medicine ones notice any change in the body system or signs of ailment: it is cheaper to maintain a healthy system by taking preventive measures than treating ailment. A lot of money can be saved through prevention. Nigerians have geriatrics, even their 80s. the younger generation should learn from the older, the secrets of longevity such as excises and moderation in everything. Common eating plans will be of great help to the body system, because the foods that have fats, oil and sweet should be eating sparingly, whereas fruit and vegetables should be eating more often.
Speaking extensively on food, carbohydrates are the best class of food, as 65 per cent of meal of meal should be carbohydrate. It has much fiber.
Whole grains are best sources of carbohydrates for the body because they take more time to design and provide lasting fuel to sustain the body. In short, they keep hunger at bay longer. Try to stay away from refined grain such as white bread, over processed and filtered garri. Good sources of whole grain include oats, whole white bread, brown rice, quinoa, whole grain pasta.
Oils such as butter and margarine should be used sparingly; all healthy recommended fat can be gotten from your fish, nuts, and mono-saturated fats such as olive, canola and avocado oils.
Protein is the most expensive class of food and the most dangerous. It is wise to choose lean cuts of meat, fish and chicken, as well as beans and legumes, for protein. Since most proteins come with additional components- fat, carbohydrate and other nutrients- it is importance to choose quality sources, such as that small amount of fat. Fish and beans contain beneficial oils and nutrients, such as omega fatty acids in fish and fiber in beans.
For fruits and vegetable, they provide vital fiber, nutrients, vitamins and minerals and are a major source of antioxidants, which help rid the body of toxic waste through our organs. Aim to have two three serving of vegetable daily. Fruit and vegetable that are apple, bananas, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, red peppers, spinach, cabbage, carrots, corn, mangoes, pumpkin, and many more.
     Other ways to live healthy life are---1. Truth: always be truthful to be free from calamity. Lie will make you to lose your integrity. If you are not truthful you always be seething one punishment or the other whereby r educing your sound health.
2. Total devotion to one hobby: hobby is a thing that gives you happiness and joy when you are doing it. The joy and happiness derive from one’s hobby promotes sound health for long life.
3. Exercise: is very important factor when considering natural health ways 50% health derives exercise. The most important fact of survival, after air, water, salt and food is exercise. There is no drug in current use that holds as much promise for long health as a life- time program of physical exercise.
4. No smoking.